Monday, August 10, 2015

Looking out

to where the river runs into the sea, and I am flying through that opening.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Leaning backwards into cool water,

into the summer afternoon.

Close your eyes and recall the arch of your neck backwards, the way water holds you,
the bright opening in the center of your heart.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Portraits are a great mystery to me

and when there are two people it's even more unpredictable, more hypnotic.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Travelling so fast

the hours dissolve into a memory of color, of wind coming over the ridge.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Ghost flowers--

aromatic, many petalled--the last blooms I see as the dark comes on.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

It was like this---

a burst of flowers next to a bright river, a handful of days for thinking and writing.

I woke up next to this river

after listening to the water all through my dreaming.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Over time, we grow more dear

 to one another, and our vision of each other becomes subtle and varied, 
at rest in a constellation of days together; we begin to see 
each other through a veil of uncountable hours, unnumbered nights.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

The real season of joy

The good news is I feel it all; the bad news: exactly the same. In the winter, 
I find myself longing to hibernate, at odds with the demands of the 24/7 world. But in spring 
and summer, the happiness I know is inexpressible--a kind of delirious love overtakes me. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The wind as her breath

Whenever I walk through tall grass---whether it's the dunes close to the sea 
or the dry hills out east, it seems that this grass is the fur of some huge animal 
who carries me without complaint, who bears my small weight with patience.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Four days after the equinox

and dusk takes a little longer to dissolve into darkness; the air is full of familiar scents 
and every few feet I find myself entering still another memory of another spring.

Friday, March 13, 2015

I fall somewhere in between

I like the way my Mom and my niece seem to share an understanding of the world while 
I float somewhere in between them, feeling neither young nor quite ready to be old. 
The afternoon was a movie that went on and on, the film never slipping off the reel.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Clutter surrounds us

and some days are long and exhausting but there's also the light
that falls on my girls and the dozen or so dun-colored birds who flit 
through the pine, shaking the needles with another sort of brightness.